Engine Maintenance - Financial FactsWhether you purchase or lease your engines there are significant savings opportunities.A single modern jet engine costs around $US 8 million. It contains approximately $US 1.5 million of replaceable life limited parts (LLP). When removed, an average of 15% of the remaining life and value of the LLP part is written off. Based on each LLP being replaced only once in the life of the engine that represents a minimum $US 225,000 write off per engine. With removal and replacement optimization over two shop visits there are real opportunities to reduce stub life write-offs. An engine requires a maintenance shop visit every 3 or 4 years at an average cost of $US 1.3 million. Without specific optimized workscope instructions most third party engine repair stations will provide a standard restoration workscope. Additional spare engines, short term leases and swaps are all expensive options. The potential savings are significant refer to savings chart. The opportunity to reduce the engine maintenance cost per flown hour is real |